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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
WHYTEHALL french brandy 33
WHYTEHALL french XO brandy 33
cherry brandy RANGPO 33
delight grape brandy +plant 33
doctor's DRY N LIGHT brandy 33
doctors RAJA brandy 33
master SUNNY brandy 33
new JANATHA brandy 33
no.1 MCDOWELL'S brandy 33
old english premium brandy 33
pearl deluxe grape brandy 33
royal HITLER grape brandy 33
royal VSOP superior brandy 33
royal doctor brandy 33
sea PRINCE fine brandy 33
special DOCTOR brandy 33
tonia's DOCTOR brandy 33
u HIGH BOUQUET brandy +crow 33
BEARS' BEAR +brar on ball 34
BAJAJ brash 12
PAPRIKA brasil 3
gb INDUSTRIES braslet +hors 25
005 brass tich button +bird 26
ARJUN brass hardware fittin 6
B brass gold +oval 6, 20
B BOARD brass fittings 6
B.M.H. polyester & brass zi 26
BHAIRAV brass collection 6
BHARGAV brass hardware +ova 6
BUSH quality brass hardware 6
CHOUHAN GOLD brass hardware 6
CMP classic brass fitting 6
CORAL brass-ware 6
CRYSTAL super brass gold 3
DAULAT brass band 42
DURGA brass hardware fittin 6
ECO brass ball valve 6
EFAR brass padlock +lock 6
EVERNEW brass hooks +flower 26
FLAMINGO brass pins 16
GOLDEN brass hardware +oval 6
GRGERA brass hardware +oval 6
I IMPERIAL brass component 6
IDEAL brass hardware fittin 6
INTRA brass ware 6
JAIN brass fittings 6
JASMINE brass hardware +ova 6
JEET brass builders hardwar 6
K KEVIL brass hardware 6
KALP brass hardware +hut 6
KARAN brass hardware fittin 6
LIFE brass hardware 6
LIFE STYLE brass hardware 6
LINK brass safetypins 26
LONIA brass dress hooks 26
M-WAY exclusive brass 6
MEGNA PREMIUM brass hardwar 6
MLA brass door fittings 6
MULTY brass hardware fittin 6
MUSKAN brass door fittings 6
N.T.C brass cylinder +cat 6
NAVKAR brass hardware 6
NICUT brass 6
ORKAY brass hardware +arcs 6
PROLINE brass hardware 6
RAHUL high grade brass 6
RAIKA brass hardware 6
RAJ brass hardware fittings 6
RIDDHI brass hardware 6
ROOP brass hardware +circle 6
S.R. brass hardware 6
SAI brass pins +flower 26
SAIFEE brass hardware +oval 6
SHERLOCK solid brass 20
SHERLOCK solid brass padloc 9
SHYAM brass band 41
SIB premium quality brass 11
SKW'S brass 1
SNEH brass hardware fitting 6
SOFIYA premium brass fittin 6
SOLVIN brass hardwear +glob 6
SPECTRUM brass fittings 6
SWAN brass hooks +bird 26
TARU brass hardware fitting 6
TITAN brass +star & square 6
ULTRA SHERLOCK solid brass 6
VICTOR exclusive brass 6
VISHAL brass band 41
Y' ROYAL'S brass hardware 6
delhi brass 11
delhi brass +circle triangl 6
delhi brass +triangle circl 11
delhi brass lighting 6, 11
evernew brass hooks +flower 26
mark exclusive brass fittin 6
brasserie COGNAC east 43
bombay brasserie 24, 33
VIBHA brassi 31
77 brassier & garment 26
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